Frequently asked questions

Phone numbers and locations?

The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is located on the fifth floor of the St. Louis Children’s Hospital. Please call with any questions if your baby is admitted in the NICU.

Want an antenatal consultation by a neonatologist before your infant is born?

Ask your doctor (obstetrician, family practitioner) or nurse midwife to refer you to one of the obstetricians in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. At the time of your appointment, please indicate that you also wish to speak with a neonatologist.

We will be happy to discuss with you the implications of your child’s possible problem(s), give you a tour of the neonatal intensive care unit and help you to meet pediatric surgical and medical sub-specialists who might be involved with your baby’s care after birth.

Have an infant who needs a follow-up clinic appointment?

The Newborn Medicine Follow-up Clinic is located on the second floor of SLCH. For questions or an appointment, please call.

If your baby has not been hospitalized in one of our nurseries, please arrange to have your baby’s medical records forwarded to us or bring them with you at the time of the appointment. 

Wish to have a second opinion or transfer your infant to the NICU?

First discuss this wish with your baby’s doctor, and they must then arrange for transfer of your infant’s care. Your doctor should call the NICU at 314-454-6037 or 800-333-NICU and ask to speak with the attending doctor.

If you or your physician wishes to ask general questions about your baby and our NICU, please feel free to contact Barbara Warner, MD (Division Director and Director of the NICU).

What are the resources when your baby is admitted to the NICU?

When your baby is admitted in the NICU, a team of physicians, nurses and other staff members help take care of them and see to it that your family’s needs are met. A new Ronald McDonald Family room is attached to the NICU where you can relax, watch television and wash laundry. Parents from outside of St. Louis can stay in the Ronald McDonald House. Sleep rooms are also available for parents when infants are transferred from outside of St. Louis.